Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Eid, Rugby, and the Meridien

I witnessed my first slaughter/sacrifice yesterday at the school. That was an experience to remember. Talk about Old Testament sacrifice. I still can't believe I witnessed a man with a machete slit a cow's throat and then cut off its legs so it wouldn't run around with a lolling head. On a tennis court. (My students laugh as they tell me about past years when cows have run around like this at their own sacrifices). I was very much aware of my lunch as I watched. I've never really had an experience where I witnessed something that made me feel faint and dizzy. Or made me consciously work to keep from vomiting. I lost feeling in my hands and face for a minute there! I'm very thankful I was able to see this, but I don't know if I want to do it again.

I played my first rugby touch game at practice last night since my injury. I was very nervous about running around on my leg, but I made sure just to run in straight lines and I really didn't get above a trot at any point, so I feel good today! You don't realize how much "cutting" you do when you run around until you injure yourself! It's very awkward turning around and running the opposite direction when you're trying not to do any side to side motions. Everyone was very patient with me, which was good. There weren't a lot of people there, so they combined the girls and the guys together.

I can't wait to start our "staycation" at Meridien tomorrow. I had planned on having surgery right before Eid and then just laying around in bed for the break, so I had to plan something kind of last minute when I found out I wasn't going to have the surgery. There was no way I was going to sit around bored with Chloe in our apartment for almost a week!! I hear the Giza area Eid celebrations can get bloody. One of the rugby wives told me she always sees one random guy walking the streets holding a machete, covered in blood. I don't know for sure if I want to see this. Yeah, I guess I do, because it would definitely be a new experience, but it also sounds kinda...scary.

I've decided I want us to go to Sharm for Christmas. There are some really awesome deals online. Beach time, snorkeling, maybe even some kite surfing and diving...I can't think of anything better! I thought about Greece or Turkey or Cyprus, but all of those places are either too expensive or too cold during the winter. So, Sharm again it will be! (We'll see how awesome it is next weekend when we go with the team).

This is after the sacrifice at school. The guy holding the cow head is one of the security guards.

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