Saturday, March 16, 2013

Idiot Abroad

Funniest show ever. This one is in Cairo and it's pretty accurate.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Well, I can say that I've partied at some cool places in different parts of the world, hung out with amazing people from all walks of life, from many different cultures and countries and lifestyles, in clubs and beaches and everywhere in between. And I'm just kinda over it all right now. I would rather be sitting around with my family playing cards or Scrabble or even just soaking in everything while reading a book (they think I do it to tune them out, but it's not true!). It's just one of those days. I could say it's because I've been sick, but that would be a lie. Sometimes you just need your family. And I can't get that for awhile and it sucks.