Friday, June 22, 2012

One more step complete!

I got my itinerary! We fly out on August 11th to Frankfurt. Then from Frankfurt to Cairo. The first leg is 10 hours, with an hour and 20 minutes layover, then a 4 hour flight to Cairo. Not bad! And I bought our luggage!! Another new teacher directed me to an Ebay listing that was PERFECT!! I've decided to bring 2 check-ins for free and then pay the $200 for the extra one (Lufthansa  lets each person check-in one bag). It sucks, but shipping to Cairo is WAAAAY more expensive! I also received Chloe's passport in the mail a few days ago. That was a surreal experience for some reason. Another "reality" jolt.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The view I'm looking forward to...

A teacher at the school I'll be teaching at just posted this photo on Facebook and I have been fascinated every since...The thought that I will have this view soon is just amazing!!!


I have consolidated my possessions down CONSIDERABLY! It's a very freeing process, but I can't help but feel like a helium balloon that has been cut...I'm feeling untethered a bit at the moment. I hope this feeling passes soon. I'm also very much ready for Summer School to be over. My concentration is at an all time low at the moment. But I'm working through it for the sake of my students!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Selling off a life

I'm having our big garage sale in just a few short days and talk about scary! It's a big leap to decide to sell just about everything you own. I have decided to sell everything except:
* Two mattress sets
* A few side tables
* A few boxes of mementos, such as baby pics and such
* Only the clothes I can pack in 4 check-in size bags. (2 for me and 2 for Chloe).
* The china set I inherited from my Grandma
* My dad's antique table

That's it. Pretty freaky. I can appreciate the "jumping off a cliff" metaphor! And I'm going to miss all my shoes :-( Silly, I know.

Everything will be split between my mom's and dad's houses. My car will stay at my mom's house.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A bit stressed

I have 28 days until my lease is up at my house...I'm starting to get a bit stressed with all the details: selling just about everything I own, cleaning up and moving out of my house, and knowing I'll be working summer school for the next 4 weeks and will be BUSY!

And on top of that, walking out of the classroom I've occupied for 3 years and knowing I won't be coming back.

Friday, June 1, 2012

And it all begins with...

two fortune cookies! Well, it didn't start with the fortune cookies, but it was serendipitous that I got the following fortunes after making the decision to travel to Cairo, Egypt with my 12 year old daughter to teach English...