Well, it's been an interesting couple of weeks, getting into my new school and meeting everyone. It's funny how things can be identical in some ways and so absolutely bizarre in others. For instance, meetings. Egyptian teachers are as bad as teachers in the states. They talk over each other, ask inane questions, drag things out, etc. We also have a lot of the same programs, iniatives, and pedagogical strategies that I'm used to hearing about. I like that I can go across the world and still hear about Marzano teaching strategies and talk about MAP scores and data, etc.
Then there are the procedures that blow my mind. For instance, there are matrons and dadas (I think that's how you say it!). The matrons take care of copying and they watch the kids on the buses on the way to school and back home. The dadas are like the janitors. They clean and do all the "gopher" type things around, as well as manual labor. You're not supposed to do ANYTHING for yourself around here or they will get upset. So...instead of doing something quickly for yourself, you have to go get one of the ladies to do it for you and it might or might not get done in the time frame you're wanting!
A word about copies. You can't just go to the copy room and make quick copies around here. There are copy requisition forms that have to be filled out. 48 hours in advance. haha. A couple of us teachers are sharing a printer and taking turns buying ink so that we can always print out last minute copies if we need to!
Also, supplies. Ugh. You have to go down to the basement and get a form to fill out for supplies. Then, you go to your head of department and have them sign it. Then you take it back to the supply room and give it to the guy in there. Then...you wait for the supplies to be delivered to your room. Oh, the red tape!
Then there are the procedures that blow my mind. For instance, there are matrons and dadas (I think that's how you say it!). The matrons take care of copying and they watch the kids on the buses on the way to school and back home. The dadas are like the janitors. They clean and do all the "gopher" type things around, as well as manual labor. You're not supposed to do ANYTHING for yourself around here or they will get upset. So...instead of doing something quickly for yourself, you have to go get one of the ladies to do it for you and it might or might not get done in the time frame you're wanting!
A word about copies. You can't just go to the copy room and make quick copies around here. There are copy requisition forms that have to be filled out. 48 hours in advance. haha. A couple of us teachers are sharing a printer and taking turns buying ink so that we can always print out last minute copies if we need to!
Also, supplies. Ugh. You have to go down to the basement and get a form to fill out for supplies. Then, you go to your head of department and have them sign it. Then you take it back to the supply room and give it to the guy in there. Then...you wait for the supplies to be delivered to your room. Oh, the red tape!
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